
The Travolt neighborhood was born almost 50 years ago, when the first generation of Bonetti moved from Molveno to Terlago.

It was just a few years after the Second World War, the region was poor and people needed to be creative to built up their future.

Giuseppe Bonetti moved here to grow fields with apple trees: the harvests would sustain the family for years.

In the seventies, thanks to the economic boom, waves of tourists from the northern countries flew to italy attracted by the beauty of the environment around the lake.

The second generation grew up with new ideas and the family decided to invest in the tourism business. Shortly  hotel, restaurant, bar and camping were built.

Thanks to the climate and the enormous presence of lakes Trentino has become the favorite destination for Dutch, Germans and Austrians.

During the last forty years the two branches of the family have walked different paths and still the small field is a witness of history and has become really strategic for the community of Terlago supported by the growth of Trento and all the infrastructures around the town.

Today, the third generation is writing its own story, innovating the services and contributing with new technologies to the development of the territory, promoting the same love for life and nature that belongs to this family since ever.

Bonetti’s Family